Photoshop effects made easy!

[ For beginners and Intermediate Photoshop users]

I still remember the days when I used to spend hours of time creating simple effects in Photoshop like smoke, blood, light effects, rusty effect, bullet holes, clouds etc. But these simple tasks have been made easy by downloading a set of predefined brushes and filters for Photoshop from the Internet. These brushes saved me loads of time and made my work so much easier.

For beginners, the steps to download and install the plug-ins are below:

1. Preset brushes and filters are everywhere in the Internet .Type the keyword in Google and download the various brushes from the given results.

For those who have trouble finding it, I have listed a few sites where you can download it.

2. The brushes which we download are in the format ‘.abr‘ and they have to be copied into the ’brushes folder’ of our Photoshop and filters must be copied into the ‘Plug-Ins folder’.

3. To use the brushes, open Photoshop and press F5.Now you can find the brushes by pressing the small arrow button on the right-hand side. If Photoshop is already open, then close it and restart Photoshop to view the downloaded plug-ins.

4. To use the installed filters, go to ‘Filter menu’. There you can find the installed filters at the bottom.

5. These brushes and filters have a set of predefined designs and hence we can make use of them directly into our image by just clicking them rather than creating those effects from the scratch.

For Advanced users, I would like to share an article about a particular brush called ‘blood splatters’

I had an interesting contest in ‘Worth1000’ yesterday and I had to use blood all over my entry. I thought of doing it by myself from the scratch but found it rather dragging and time consuming. So, I downloaded the ‘blood spaltters’ brush from the following link

There were so many varieties, sizes and shapes of blood splatters and I used many of them in my entry here.

The effect was so realistic and, made my entry look good. It landed me a Bronze trophy.Thanks to the artist who created this wonderful brush.

Hope you found this post useful 🙂

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. rox
    Dec 20, 2009 @ 10:20:37

    I have just started using photoshop and found your article very useful. Thx, Keep writing


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